Evolve Safety & Security Policy

Travelers are entitled to a safe and secure vacation experience at any Evolve home. That’s why, in addition to vetting and verifying each Evolve home, we require that every Evolve home meet the following standards.

Safety Equipment

Evolve requires all homes to include the following safety amenities: 

  • Smoke detectors
  • Carbon monoxide detectors
  • Fire extinguishers
  • First aid kits

Evolve owners are responsible for installing and maintaining all safety amenities. Owners are also required to meet all local, state, or federal safety standards applicable to their property.

In addition to the requirements above, Evolve recommends that owners:

  • Inform Evolve and travelers of the whereabouts of required safety equipment and any applicable recommended equipment
  • Have heating and cooling systems inspected and serviced annually
  • Have all appliances, including chimneys and vents, inspected and serviced annually
  • Visit www.redcross.org/homefires for more information on safety equipment and fire prevention

Surveillance Equipment

Any device that captures or transmits audio, video, or still images is considered a surveillance device. This includes security cameras (WiFi and hardwired), motion detectors, decibel monitors, web cameras in computer monitors, baby monitors, and smartphones. 

Here are our requirements when it comes to surveillance equipment in and around Evolve homes:

For Owners
  • Owners must disclose all surveillance equipment in and around the property during the Onboarding process and/or with Owner Success after installing. Evolve will modify the listing’s House Rules with this security information to alert guests of current-state safety measures present.
  • Surveillance devices may only be utilized on the outside of a home for security purposes or for noise monitoring, and for no other purpose
  • Owners may not use devices of any kind to surveil guests inside of a home
  • Noise or occupancy monitoring devices installed in the interior of a home may only measure decibel levels or number of occupants (like all devices, they must be disclosed to the traveler in the listing)
  • Owners may not use alternative surveillance devices, up to and including handheld recording devices (i.e. cell phones), to monitor a guest or any other person present in the listing without the consent of that person
  • Owners are responsible for ensuring that any use of surveillance devices adheres to local laws and regulations, including (but not limited to) privacy laws 
For Guests
  • Guests may not tamper with (i.e. disable or cover up) nor destroy permitted and disclosed surveillance devices
  • Guests may not use surveillance devices, up to and including handheld recording devices (i.e. cell phones), to monitor a host or any other person present in the listing without the consent of that person

Permitted Surveillance Equipment

Outside the home:

  • External cameras that view or monitor public spaces (i.e. front door, driveway) other than those not permitted within this policy. It must be disclosed to Evolve if external devices record audio.
  • External cameras may capture images of exterior pools and hot tubs so long as the Owner discloses their existence to Evolve for inclusion in the listing description. The Owner is also responsible for and must include an additional disclosure in an obvious location such as a welcome book, a notice on the wall of a high-traffic common space, and/or next to the pool/hot tub itself. The disclosure must state that the pool/hot tub is within the coverage area of the camera.
  • Doorbells with integrated technology that records audio and/or video

Inside the home:

  • Internal cameras (that do not record sound) located in a part of the property that is locked and unavailable for Guest use (i.e. Owner closet)
  • Internal cameras (that do not record sound) in garages or sheds whose sole purpose is for vehicle or general storage
  • Smart devices (i.e. Alexa, Google Assistant, etc.) that cannot be remotely activated or monitored, and in which Guests have the ability to easily turn off. If a device does have a camera and cannot be turned off due to its nature (i.e. smart fridge), the device must be disclosed in the listing and the camera must be covered prior to Guest check-in.
  • Portable internal cameras recording video and/or sound for security purposes when the home is vacant. Owners are responsible for disabling and removing the device before Guest check-in.
  • Motion-sensor alarm systems
  • Decibel recorders for noise levels unable to record and store audio

Other areas:

  • Internal and external cameras owned and operated by the condo/apartment/resort community

Not Permitted Surveillance Equipment

Outside the home: 

  • External cameras cannot capture dedicated changing areas, outdoor showers or point inwards to the interior of the home
  • Concealed recording devices (i.e. non-visible, hidden cameras) 

Inside the home: 

  • Devices from the ‘permitted’ category that are not advertised within the listing’s description/House Rules
  • Concealed recording devices (i.e. non-visible, hidden cameras)
  • Hardwired cameras (i.e. camera installed in ceiling monitoring front door/foyer area)
  • Cameras within garages where the space serves as anything other than parking or general storage (i.e. game room, additional living space)
  • Smart devices with a camera feature (i.e. all-in-one smart home system) that can be remotely activated to capture video, photos and/or sound
  • Any internal surveillance or recording devices (any form of capture device, i.e. private conversation recording devices) other than those permitted by this policy

Violations of This Policy

Owner violations of this policy may lead to suspension or termination of the involved property listing. Evolve will be entitled to collect its management fees and issue full refunds to travelers at the owner’s expense. 

Guest violations may lead to termination of a stay without refund and a future ban from traveling with Evolve. 

Consequences may vary based on the severity and frequency of violations. In certain cases, Evolve may notify its partners or law enforcement of behavior that potentially threatens any person’s safety or violates applicable law.Guests may not tamper with (i.e. disable, cover-up) nor destroy permitted and disclosed surveillance devices