We partner with photographers like you to help capture our homes in their best light, which means you are at the heart of what we do. Here’s everything you need to know about our standards and what we look for while you’re on a shoot.
Please read our quality standards carefully. If you do not meet these standards or do not photograph a property in its entirety, we’ll require a reshoot without additional payment.
Camera: DSLR capable of auto bracketing a minimum of 5 frames
Tripod: A tripod for all shots so the camera is motionless while capturing bracketed sequences
Ultra Wide-Angle Lens:
Cable release: To avoid any blur from a shutter press, use a cable release, remote trigger or your camera’s built in self timer
Fisheye lens: Fisheye photos distort the property proportion
Flash: Do not use a flash in any of your photos
Camera mode: Aperture Priority
Aperture: f8 to f11
ISO: Recommend 100 but up to 400
White balance: Auto (or whichever setting is necessary)
Image quality: High quality JPG – at least 4000 pixels on the longest side (minimum file size: 4000 x 2666 pixels)
Aspect ratio: 3:2
Metering Mode: Evaluative (on Canon), Matrix (on Nikon), or Multi (on Sony)
Auto exposure bracket: Depending on your camera’s capabilities, use either 5 or 7 exposures with 2 full stops between each bracket, or 9 exposures with 1 full stop
Provide a minimum of 30 unique photos (otherwise, the shoot is considered incomplete)
We require wide-angle shots
We prefer horizontal photos
All images must be shot on a tripod
Lens must be clean
Send us original, unedited images
You are required to deliver photos via Box.com and a completed property feedback form to Evolve within 48 hours of the shoot
All images are owned by Evolve unless the homeowner purchases them directly from us. However, you are welcome to use photos from the shoot in your portfolio.
While the homeowner is responsible for cleaning and preparing the home, we rely on you to make adjustments for appearance to ensure each space is presented in the best possible way.
If you encounter a property that’s not in a condition to be photographed, please notify Evolve, take photos of the main issues preventing the shoot, and leave the premises. Do not execute a full shoot.
Think like a guest. What features of the interior and exterior would you find important? How can you emphasize them?
Capture views from interior and exterior spaces. Guests love to get a feel for the landscape that surrounds the property, even if it’s minimal. (i.e. water views, mountain views, golf course views, foliage, etc.)
Highlight the way spaces connect — and proximity to amenities. Understanding the property’s layout, the flow from room to room, and distance to outdoor areas are key factors in a guest’s decision to book.
There may be times where lighting produces lens flare or issues with white balance. Please use your best judgment and adjust the lighting as needed.
Want a quick overview of the basics discussed here?
Watch this video.
As photographers, you are Evolve’s first connection to a property. Your feedback regarding the home’s safety and overall presentation is crucial.
Want to download a PDF of these photoshoot standards?
Click below.